Friday, November 16, 2012

The Gratitude Challenge

A deeper meaning of Thanksgiving and practicing gratitude. As Thanksgiving approaches, we often get caught up in the demands the holiday brings, and the true meaning of Thanksgiving is frequently missed. Aside from the Pilgrim story and how Thanksgiving became a holiday, there is something deeper we can take away from this holiday, and that is the practice of gratitude.

There are universal principals that can help us lead healthier, happier and more successful lives. Some of these principals are the law of attraction, law of circulation, law of cause and effect and law of forgiveness. Thelaw of gratitude is the catalyst of all and asCicero puts it, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others."gratitude.
It wasn’t surprising to me when I began experimenting with my Lifesign Processover a decade ago that gratitude was one of my five steps to recognize and understand the signs that Spirit sent me.
Gratitude is the secret component of the law of attraction. If the law of attraction is about attracting things that we desire in our life, gratitude is the magnet that draws to us what we seek. Quantum physics tells us that everything is energy, everything vibrates at a certain frequency, and like attracts like. It is only logical to think that if we are vibrating at a high frequency, positive situations will come into our life. In other words, by expressing gratitude we draw to us other circumstances we will be grateful for.
I often hear that those practicing gratitude recognize the interconnectedness and synchronicity of life. They are usually more empathic and compassionate and less likely to be judge others. They are also more optimistic and positive. People practicing gratitude are typically healthier, happier and usually less stressed or less depressed. gratitude.
Consider establishing a daily practice of gratitude in your life, like a gratitude journal, where you journal every day some reasons you are grateful. I find the most effective method for me is simply thanking Spirit for five things in my life. I do this before I retire or upon waking.
For those struggling to find something they are grateful for, consider those individuals who lost their homes in Hurricane Sandy, or those living in war ravaged countries, or the food imbalance on our planet and that 870 million people do not have enough to eat.
This year, as you sit down to your Thanksgiving feast, consider taking to heart a deeper meaning for the holiday and practice. Via the Examiner


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