Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tools of People Who Love to Learn


People who love to learn do not depend on classrooms for knowledge; they develop a learning style that is in harmony with their learning personality. They develop learning tools that works for them. Learning by doing leads to above average opportunity and wages.

A - Desire to learn is maintained over a lifetime. This person's education is not based on years spent in classrooms; it is based on a persistent desire to maintain a continuous natural learning environment. The result is above average wages. These are the CEO's, and other achievers who have a vision and know how to get things done. These people are independent thinkers and doers. They are NOT dependent on others for knowledge or opportunity, they do not wait for opportunity to come their way, they go after it.
B - Desire to learn is maintained until a professional skill is mastered that meets basic needs, then it dies. This person is the typical professional that makes average wages. These two groups are dependent on others for opportunity. They can rise no higher than the image they have of themselves, which is based on other's opinions. Associates tell them their limits, which they believe and accept. They do not make efficient use of natural learning tools because they were taught to depend on others for knowledge. As a result, they focus on protecting their comfort zone and the status quo.
C - Desire to learn dies before a professional skill is mastered. This person makes below average wages.
The difference between group "A" and "B, C" is a vision that motivates. People who have a vision control their destiny and lifestyle. For people without a vision, their destiny and lifestyle is controlled by others.

Today, our education system is preoccupied with standardized tests. The goal is to bring failing students from group "C" up to "B," which is minimum academic standards. These tests are producing a mind-set in all students to accept the status quo. As a result, students that would be in group "A" are dragged down to "B." They drop any visionary ideas they may have had and focus on testing. The goal should be to give students the tools to move from "B, C" to "A." This requires a different type of education.

Today's education goal is to get students to pass standardized test. The results influence teachers' bonuses and school funding. When the curriculum is controlled by funding, teaching students to have a vision is no longer feasible, because it can't be measured.

The below learning tools are highly effective in social environments that are in harmony with learning personality. They produce CEO's or criminals depending on their social environment.

Social Environments

The work force is a social environment where everyone is striving to reach a common goal. How many learning tools are used depends on the leadership style. Under worker responsibility, all tools will be used. Under command-and-control, only a few will be used. Increased control reduces the number of learning tools implemented, which increases the need for more control. More information "Motivation in the Workplace."

College has two goals, education and positive social environment. Adapting learning tools in this environment, increases productivity.

Criminal social environments also share knowledge. In this case, they become self-destructive. These people are learning how to spend their life in prison. It takes more learning power to be a successful criminal (one that stays out of jail) than it does to be a successful business owner. Social environments influence knowledge and ambitions.

High risk adventure, on and off the job, was my social environment. On the job I was a hard hat diver, off the job I was ocean cruising in tall ships. More information "Adventures in Paradise."

The Learning Tools

Becoming involved with projects is the first requirement for self-motivation, creating a desire to learn and implementing learning tools. Learning tools have no meaning without a project. Projects can be from any source including self-motivated or team motivated. Projects have a plan of action and a goal; they are based on man's natural desire to be an achiever.

Four Tools That Share Knowledge

Team Education - Team member training team member is the most powerful education system in the world. The team has a common goal and all give input to reach that goal. Motivated team members set the example that others want to follow. Team members learn to be responsible for each other. The attitude "this is our task" replaces the destructive attitude "that is your problem, not mine." Peer pressure is a highly motivating force.

Learning by Teaching - Students teaching students expands knowledge of all while creating a desire to learn. The teacher and the student both develop a better understanding of the concept.

Conflict and Debate - Conflict and debate are real world education systems. Everyone learns limits and possibilities, becomes familiar with the tasks. People left out of debate do not have opportunity to learn different points of view. In empowered work groups, team members must contribute to be accepted in the group. Group acceptance is a very powerful motivating force.

Bragging, Socializing, Peer Pressure - People who have responsibility like to brag how they prevented or solved problems. Team members' experiences and their lessons are easily remembered. A relaxed environment with the ability to ask questions, tailors training to current needs. Bragging builds positive peer pressure, high self-esteem, and pride.

Four Tools That Acquire Knowledge

Research and Analyzing - Knowing how to find information and analyze it for quality, is a developed skill. There is a lot of garbage out there mixed with a few gems of quality information. Knowing how to identify the gems and adapt them to your project is the secret to being viewed as a genius.

Self-education - With today's fast-changing technology, self-education skills can be more valuable to an employer than formal education. New concepts must always be learned and there is no time to go back to the classroom for knowledge. Self-educated people learn to take responsibility for their own education. Time or money is not a hindrance.

Trial and Error, Learning by Doing - People learn when they try and fail. If people do not have opportunity to try, they will never fail. If they never fail they will never learn. It takes many experiments to find the correct answer. People trying and failing is different from taking orders and failing.

Instinctive Knowledge - Innovation, inventions, or winning strategies are produced by mixing experience with instinctive knowledge. Opportunity is often found in our gut feelings. Instinctive knowledge only works for people who are motivated, either to find a better way if positively motivated or to find ways to do less if negatively motivate.

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